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Dani Birkeland

Certified Health Coach, mom, wife, dog walker, adventure seeker, woodworker.
Danielle Birkeland

A Bit About Me... or maybe a lot

     Hi! I am Dani Birkeland, owner of InCourage Health LLC. I thank you for taking the time to consider me as your Certified Health Coach.  I am a wife to Brent and mother of 2 sons, Cam & Shane, who are both adult men now.  Ugh! How can that be??  I would say that healthy living started as a hobby, then as I grew older, became a part of who I am. I enjoy the outdoors, especially gardening, fishing, snowshoeing and bonfires. I love to travel, including time at the beach or hiking some trails.  And, I love woodworking and using power tools. I used to run half marathons, but now mainly walk with my dogs, who run crazy when I let them!  I'm a borderline homesteader (I say borderline because we don't have chickens!) who freezes and cans what we grow in the vegetable garden to use all year.

When I was both in high school, I made homemade meals for myself, my dad and brothers using canned soups, like a good MN girl.  I became interested in reducing toxins in the home, as well as in my foods, after having blurred vision in my right eye that caused dizzyness, learning that MSG (Monosodium glutatmate), an additive in many processed foods, can mimic signs of Multiple sclerosis.  Now, I prefer homemade cooking using very few pre-packaged foods so I know what's in the food I eat, and I can sneak in healthy veggies and other ingredients without anyone really noticing... usually!  LOL

     I have the heart of a cheerleader (and actually was one in both high school and college, AND for my boys through all of their sports and life's ambitions). One of the first things most people who know me would say is that I am "nice and sweet" and a good listener.  As your health coach, I will ask tough questions and challenge you, but at the same time, will be there to walk beside you to figure out how to overcome whatever roadblocks come your way. My goal for clients is not to make you a size 2, but to improve your health to the point where you feel excited about your energy level, to have the confidence and skills to live that way so you can fully enjoy and savor your life.


     Going through the process of starting my own venture has been similar to what I feel my clients experience. There is doubt, fear, lack of confidence, frustration, a limited mindset, and the feeling that I lack the tools and skills to not only start but make it last. Sound familiar? However, through years of prayer (yes, years!), inspiration from my sons, who have taken risks to achieve their goals, and support from my husband (who always seems to be okay with my crazy ideas), family and friends, I knew it was time to move forward. I always felt I had a Growth Mindset, but my actions did not support that.  I have decided to have faith, take small steps in spite of my fears, and to live a life filled with love, adventure and fullness. I hope you will join me so you can do the same!

My family - all sporting the Birk Construction clothing.

My Family - Cam, Brent and Shane - sporting Birk Construction shirts.

Shane putting in a window

Shane is the owner of Birk Construction.

Cam playing college hockey in Fredonia, NY..

Cam #5 fulfilling his dream of playing college hockey.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

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