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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

A Season of Peace.... or Overwhelm?

The Christmas season is supposed to be a time of peace. A time to celebrate with family and friends where everything is idyllic. Where you get every gift you dreamed of, and..... Ha! If only that were really the case! With all of the preparations of the holidays, it can be a bit stressful, sometimes even a bit overwhelming. Am I alone here? I'm pretty sure not!

I actually love Christmas time. Normally, I don't get too worked up or stressed about all of the things going on. This year, however, everything is pretty much happening in the same week. Ugh! Why does that have to happen? So, I'm decorating the house, doing some baking, planning a menu - make that 3 different menus, doing the shopping, wrapping the gifts, getting my blog post written, attending a board meeting (which always goes too long) and, then, to top it off, making an emergency visit to the vet. Well, that was not in my plan for the week! So, normally, no, I don't get too stressed. This week, though, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

That's the thing about stress. It's actually a good thing... until it's not a good thing. Eustress is the positive stress that gets us moving and excited about everything happening. To. A. Point. There's that line where it changes from positive to negative. And, that point is different from individual to individual. What is stressful for some is a cake walk for others. But, that's not really today's point. The point is what do you do when you find yourself not just stressed but overwhelmed? Do you know your limits? Are you asking for help? Are you prioritizing your commitments and planning appropriately? Are you saying no to things that just won't fit in?

I've worked with a lot of clients struggling to find a balance, especially during the holidays. And, with the Christmas season lasting a good month (or two plus if you're in retail), it can wreak some havoc on your health goals. So, what are some things you can do to relieve your stress? I know for me it's to not put so much pressure on myself that everything has to be perfect. I have to come realize that I am a "casual hostess". Trying to make a lot of fancy dishes or decorating my house to the nines is not my thing, so I do it the way that serves me best. And, guess what? Everyone still has a good time - including me!

Another strategy that has helped me when I've gotten myself into a pickle is to ask for help. Now, this is usually really hard for me because I like to do things the way I do them - kind of a little bit of a control issue for me. So, when I committed to providing snacks at church or for my kid's team, and it's just more than I can handle, there's nothing wrong with asking someone else to cover it for you or to switch weekends. When I have done this, it usually helps that person out, too. Or, I've got the house cleaned except for the floors or dusting or whatever. My husband may not wash floors or clean exactly the way I do, but they get clean. And, at this point, as long as it gets done, that's cool with me! And, when it comes to meal prep, my husband is a great help when I ask him to, which I'm truly thankful for.

Lastly, prioritize what is important. Do you have to go to every party? Is missing the board meeting this month going to cause a lot of issues? Are the kids going to notice they got 4 gifts instead of 5 or 6? Usually not. It's okay to slow down. Don't get so caught up in the hustle and busyness of the season that you miss out on why we celebrate this season. It's to celebrate the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, hence the CHRISTmas season. It's to show love to family and friends with your time and presence. It's a time to reflect on all of the wonderous gifts you've been given that don't cost a dime.

So, although this week has been hectic, I've made it all work. I prioritized my projects and meal plans, and only did what had to be done this week. I've done well enough at this that I've even gotten to bed at a decent hour every night. That's no small victory! I have to say I'm feeling pretty incredible about that! The rest of the Christmas season should be pretty low key, and tomorrow morning I'll be sighing a little sigh of relief rather than all of the deep breathing (a strategy to keep me from getting too worked up in the moment - like when you think you ran over your dog) I'd been doing this past week. Whew!

If this sounds like something that would help you, one-on-one personalized coaching may be right for you. Apply here to discuss coaching options. Temptations are all around, especially over the Christmas season, so be sure to download my FREE 7-Day Guide to Tame Food Temptations. Also, check out my website - to learn more about InCourage Health, me (Coach Dani), and my services. One last thing... I'm gearing up for a couple speical offerings in January that I'm SUPER excited about! I'll be sending out more information soon! Slow down and enjoy the PEACE of the CHRISTMAS SEASON!

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