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Autoimmunity is on the Rise!

Hey there, fellow health warrior! This topic of autoimmune is near and dear to my heart. First, I have a cousin, in her 50's now, who has been battling with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for years. Next, a lifetime friend was diagnosed with Grave's disease half of a lifetime ago, had her thyroid killed, and is on Synthroid for life. Then, I have a dear friend who is controlling her Hashimoto's with a vitamin, exercise and low toxin regime. Finally, a close friend's daughter in her early 20's was recently diagnosed with several autoimmune conditions. And, these are just the ones close to me - there's many more! Why is it becoming so common? What factors might be driving this increase, and how can we tackle it head-on while still living our best lives?

Let’s roll up our sleeves and explore the research, prognosis and treatments of autoimmune conditions together.

The Rise of Autoimmune Diseases: Unveiling the Mystery

Autoimmune diseases occur when our immune system, usually a defender against threats, mistakenly attacks healthy cells in our own body. According to the Autoimmune Association, there are over 100 autoimmune conditions ranging from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) to Lupus, MS to Crohn's, Type 1 Diabetes to Endometriosis, impacting millions worldwide. Although these diseases have been around for some time, there's been a sudden surge in autoimmune cases. Dr. Mark Hyman stated in his interview with Dr. Robert Roundtree that, "...autoimmune disease affects more people than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined. It's over 80,000,000 Americans..." That's significant!

Some experts point the finger at modern lifestyle factors like stress, processed diets, and environmental toxins stating there is no cure, while other experts indicate conditions are not just treatable but reversible with the right tests and treatment protocols.

Are you confused yet? Me, too!

Unmasking the Culprits: What's Fueling Autoimmunity?

  • Genetics : Some autoimmune diseases have a genetic component, where certain individuals are more predisposed to developing them.

  • Environmental Triggers : Toxins in our environment—think pollutants, chemicals, medications and heavy metals—could be setting off our immune systems and triggering autoimmune responses.

  • Gut Health Imbalance : An unhealthy gut microbiome might be paving the way for autoimmune conditions to take root. This includes both a lack of the "right" bacteria, as well as the condition of leaky gut, which allows otherwise contained food particles, toxins and microbes to enter into the body.

  • Infection : Certain bacteria and viruses are linked to increased autoimmune conditions, such as one of the most common, the Epstein Barr Virus, which is the cause of infectious mononucleosis (aka Mono) in adolescents. Although it may lie latent for many years, it may reactivate time and again causing occasional health issues as adults.

Toxic Overload: The Role of Toxins in Autoimmune Aggravation

Toxins, lurking in everyday products and pollutants, can act as instigators, worsening autoimmune symptoms. For example, Dr. Hyman and Dr. Roundtree discuss the link between smoking and RA, which causes inflammation in the lungs. How are the lungs connected to joint health? I could really go in-depth and research this for months (or years as these physicians have), or you can listen to "Heal Your Autoimmune Disease: What’s Causing It and How to Stop It with Dr. Robert Rountree", on Dr. Mark Hyman's the Doctor's Farmacy podcast. The point is to be mindful of what you expose yourself to—opt for healthy habits, the healthiest foods you can afford, natural cleaning supplies, and toxin-free personal care products. Small changes can make a big difference in how you feel!

Gut Microbiota: A Unique Ecosystem

Huihui Xu, et al, writes in The Dynamic Interplay between the Gut Microbiota and Autoimmune Diseases, that the ecosystem within our stomach, small intestines, although mainly the large intestines, or colon, as, "The human gut is colonized by various microorganisms collectively termed the gut microbiota, which has a mutualistic relationship with the host. The gut microbiota is the major source of microbes that may exert beneficial or pathogenic effects on host health." In order for this ecosystem to thrive, we must feed it the right foods. When one organism population is out of balance, the whole system is out of balance. Andrew Campbell states, "The gut microbiota can be influenced by several factors: ... the intake of pharmaceutical medications, including antacids, antibiotics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; smoking; the use of alcohol." So, not only are the foods we eat making an impact, but also many other things we put in our bodies.

Fighting Back: Treatments and Strategies

Living with autoimmune conditions can be challenging, but it’s certainly not a battle you have to face alone. Here are some ways you can reclaim your life from autoimmune woes:

  • Medical Treatments : From anti-inflammatory medications to immune-suppressing drugs, pharmaceutical interventions can help manage symptoms.

    The Institute for Functional Medicine states, "Medications and biologic drugs are used in the management of autoimmune diseases attempting to control disease flares, limit inflammatory damage, and extend periods of remission." However, they are effective treatments for a time, and some are not very effective at all, having a 50% effectiveness rate or less.

  • Alternative Therapies : Explore options like acupuncture, dietary changes and physical activity to complement traditional treatments.

A Mediterranean Diet and green tea, for example, have been shown in research to reduce inflammation, subsequently reducing pain, for subjects with RA and lupus. Also, short chain fatty acids (SCFA), found prevalently in plant-based whole foods, boost immune cells and reduce inflammation.

  • Mind and Body Wellness : Prioritize self-care, adequate rest, and stress management to support your immune system’s balance.

  • Functional Medicine : Consult practitioners who focus on treating root causes rather than just symptoms for a holistic approach. The Institute for Functional Medicine has a network of practitioners to help guide your journey if you are looking for that type of care at Find a Practitioner.

Being the Boss of Your Autoimmune Journey

Living with autoimmune conditions doesn’t mean giving up on a fulfilling life. By making empowered choices and embracing strategies that support your well-being, you can thrive despite the challenges. Surround yourself with a supportive network, stay informed about your condition, and remember that your journey is unique. There is no one autoimmune condition that is exactly like the other, so it is definitely unique to you!

We need to face autoimmunity head-on, armed with knowledge, persistence and resilience. Because being a boss in our own autoimmune journey is not just a possibility—it’s a reality waiting to be embraced! Here’s to living our best life, one day at a time.

Stay strong, health warriors!

In Courage,


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