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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Finish What You Started

Changing your health status can be a challenging journey. Along the way, setbacks are almost inevitable, but the key to success lies in the power of persistence. Each stumble presents an opportunity to rise stronger, refocused, and one step closer to reaching your goals. It's all about keeping your eye on the prize, staying persistent, and moving forward no matter what obstacles come your way.

Embracing Setbacks as Stepping Stones

I don't know about you, but after some time I lose interest and sight of my goals. That ends up with losing focus and basically totally procrastinating to make any forward progress whatsoever. I stall out and don't know how to motivate myself to get going again. I feel stuck... even incompetent. I start to tell myself that giving up may be the best option because it's just harder than I expected.

Am I the only one who thinks this way? I hope not!

We have to realize, though, that these are just setbacks, not complete failure. And, complete failure shouldn't put a halt to our efforts, either. It's still just a setback. We all experience indecision and lulls in progress, but it doesn't mean that we can't succeed in the end.

So, why do we let setbacks get us off track? Why do we start telling ourselves that we are unworthy of achieving this goal?

I don't know... if I did, I wouldn't have to work another day my entire life!

Instead, I'm plugging along trying to make things work just like everyone else. I can tell you, though, that setbacks are a normal step in achieving success. They are not an indication of failure but rather a chance to learn and grow. They are the stepping stones that push us forward, shaping our resilience and determination.

Did Tiger Woods win every tournament he played? No.

Is every Taylor Swift song a #1 hit? Okay, to be honest, I have no idea! I'd like to say the obvious - NO! But, Swifties are a surprisingly dedicated bunch.

How many times did Thomas Edison fail before he figured out the light bulb? Some say 1,000, others say 10,000. The actual number was 2,774. He found several thousand things that didn't work - but ONE that did! Do you think he lost hope? Wondered if his goal would ever see the light of day? (I couldn't resist that pun!! LOL)

Do you think you've ever tried something 1,000 times before you got it right? Many times! We just never counted. Perhaps what we reference most often is when we were learning to walk. At that time you didn't have anything in your head about failure or making mistakes. Our drive was innate.

Reassess and Readjust

It's so important to take to heart that when we encounter a setback on our health journey, whether it's a plateau in progress, a moment of weakness in our eating plan, or a missed workout, that it is just another step toward success - and not just the recommended 10,000 per day. Embrace the setback as an opportunity to reassess and readjust.

Did you set realistic expectations? Are you adding more onto your plate (as in too many goals, not your dinner plate) than you can commit to?

It's easy to get discouraged when progress slows down or when you face unexpected challenges. We have to learn how to reassess, to look objectively at the situation. Take a step back and remind yourself of the reasons why you embarked on this journey – to feel energetic, more confident, and full of vitality. More specifically, to feel your best so you can keep up with. your family, to wear that dress you bought confidently, to gain strength and empower other women to fulfill their dreams. Visualize yourself achieving your desired weight and enjoying optimal health. Use this vision as your driving force to make necessary adjustments and to keep moving forward.

Strategies to Maintain Momentum

When setbacks threaten to derail your progress, there are several strategies you can employ to maintain momentum on your weight loss journey. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can offer encouragement and accountability. Set realistic and achievable short-term goals to keep you motivated along the way. Focus on non-scale victories such as increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced self-esteem to celebrate your progress, regardless of the number on the scale.

Remember that success is not a straight line from point A to point B; it's a winding path with twists and turns. You may backtrack, even take a detour or two, but as long as you're correcting along the way, you'll be making progress. Celebrate every milestone, big or small, as a testament to your commitment and dedication. Whether you've lost a pound or overcome a challenging workout, acknowledge your achievements and reward yourself for your hard work. Treat setbacks as opportunities to learn more about yourself. How would you have responded to this before... and how will you respond next time? Use these times to strengthen your resolve to continue moving forward on your health journey.

The Role of Persistence in Achieving Success

Persistence is the unwavering commitment to your goals, even in the face of adversity. It involves pushing through barriers, finding creative solutions, and never giving up on yourself. In the context of weight loss, for instance, persistence means finding a way (rather than excuse) to eat foods that eliminate guilt, follow your workout routine despite a busy schedule, or perhaps staying dedicated to self-care practices. It's about cultivating a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation.

The Journey Continues

As you navigate the ups and downs of your health journey, remember that setbacks are not roadblocks but detours that can lead you to unexpected blessings. Stay persistent, stay focused, and embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth. Your health is your greatest asset, and every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a step towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Keep your eye on the prize and watch as your efforts transform into lasting success.

Together, we can empower each other to stay committed to our health goals and embrace the journey, setbacks and all. Let's continue to support one another in our pursuit of better health. Your persistence today will pave the way for a healthier and brighter tomorrow. Let's keep moving forward, overcoming one setback at a time.

Because, setbacks are just setups for comebacks! You've got this! Don't give up. Let's finish what you've started!

In Courage,


P.S. Support and encouragement, along with perhaps challenging you some, is only a short questionnaire and chat away. You don't need to go it alone.

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