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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Goals and Dreams

Next Saturday, March 9th, is a momentous occasion for me.

I know that public speaking is scary for a lot of people, but it's been a part of my grown up plans for a long time.  Maybe it was from my dad, who was a long-time member of Toastmasters.  Maybe it was my Speech Communications minor in college.  Maybe it's been the actual dreams (the ones at night when you're sleeping) I've had speaking in front of large crowds - like almost a TED talk! I'm really not sure.

I'm not saying that the crowd on Saturday is going to fill the church. I will be thrilled if 10 people show up! I'm pretty sure it won't be up to the TED talk standards, whatever those are. But, what it is is one step I need to take to do what I am meant to do. What I love to do.

Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to help people. You know.... nurse, doctor, veterinarian. All of the regulars within the health field. After years of trying to figure out what that looked like, I stumbled into the career of health coaching. But, that's not the best part.  The best part is that I get to share my passion with others, and it may actually help them live the life they've always dreamed of. 

I get goosebumps just thinking about it!

I was scared for a long time to step out of my comfy health coaching job to move into a position of owning my own business. I'm still learning about how to build the business, but I know I can't do it by myself, which is why I'm starting at church, or all on social media. That's just not who I am and how I want to put myself out there. I guess I'm more comfortable in front of a crowd I can see in front of me.

It's hard to say, but I'm assuming that many of my future clients are also feeling scared to change something in their life that is comfortable. When you change you may have to loosen ties with friends who aren't willing to make the same changes you are. You also may have to make some sacrifices, like passing on seconds or a full piece of dessert. These things aren't new to any one of us. We've all had to accept change whether it's a choice of ours or someone else.

I found a couple of quotes from Nomads You & I, about goals and dreams. I think they convey what I'm trying to say about changes that we need to make in order for our dreams to become reality, no matter if that dream is to have a flourishing business that helps support your family or if it's to fit into your favorite outfit that doesn't fit anymore.

“Challenges: The Way to A Stronger Internal Constitution”

To reach any desired goal, we have to start or continue some things, and we have to stop others. Hooking new habits on to old habits is beyond powerful, and you should take some time to think about how you can do this when creating your plan for change….A challenge should be a mighty enough activity that it requires our full and undivided attention and concentration in the moment. They absorb us because they engage both our mental and our physical presence. choose one that is meaningful and will demand your complete concentration. Stretch. Demanding slightly more than the best of your skill and strength. They are just over and above our current abilities, so they require us to engage fully and grow...When your actions are congruent with who you want to be in life, how you want to feel, and what you think you should be doing and achieving, then you start to have a stronger internal constitution. You feel more grounded, responsible, sure. A new level of Harmony and steadiness enters your life, and you feel proud of who you are and how you interact with the world. You barely blink at an unsteady and uncertain world, because you find steadiness and certainty within. Life becomes yours.

Brendon Burchard

And, then this one, which I loved because of the beauty, sweat and work of dance it describes.... my husband will be first to roll his eyes about the dance movies I watch!

“Is My Goal Meaningful?”

Meaning is when everything there is comes together in an ecstatic dance of single purpose—the glorification of a reality so that no matter how good it has suddenly become, it can get better and better and better more and more deeply forever into the future. Meaning happens when that dance has become so intense that all the horrors of the past, all the terrible struggle engaged in by all of life and all of humanity to that moment becomes a necessary and worthwhile part of the increasingly successful attempt to build something truly Mighty and Good.

Jordan Peterson

Is my talk next Saturday going to be viewed by millions? No.

Is it going to change lives? For sure!

Everyone who shows up will be changed that day. Me, who will be doing my best not to totally screw up. And, any attendees, who will be establishing a journey of discovery and finding meaning, including mine.

I will be grateful for anyone who walks through the front doors because I know those steps may be a product of past failures and self-doubt - some of the hardest steps to move forward from.

I am asking that people register for the event so that if we need to make any changes, I can notify you. And, so I can give an estimate to Niki Strong, from the Family Thyme food blog on Instagram, for the food that will be provided. Here is the link to register.

In courage, my friends,


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