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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart!

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

We are in the pursuit of happiness, but I believe JOY is what we’re all after!

Why Choose Joy Over Happiness

We have all experienced hardships and pain. It’s hard to be happy during those times, but you can still be joyful. How can that be? That’s because happiness is an emotion, it’s temporal and depends on what is happening in your life in the here and now. Joy, however, is a state of heart and doesn’t matter what is happening. It’s a state of being within.

Many years ago I read a book about a young girl who was imprisoned in Russia. The guards treated her cruelly because they could not extinguish the light in her eyes or the joy in her heart. Every time she was returned to her cell after being badly beaten, she sang songs, rejoicing instead of wallowing in her pain. After all of these years, I can’t remember the book, but I do remember the story.

It reminds me of another story. Paul and Silas of the New Testament were thrown into prison in Phillipi after being beaten. That night they started praying and rejoicing, singing hymns of praise as the other prisoners listened. Who does that? They were just beaten hours earlier with rods, stripes across their bodies, in severe pain, and still had enough joy to sing. Joy can accompany other emotions, such as anger, fear and unhappiness.

That makes me ask, “what is happiness?” Happiness is not a bad thing. We all like to experience happiness and should. It’s the pursuit of happiness that is really what makes us unhappy. Here’s why. Happiness depends on your circumstances. It’s the pursuit of things that make you feel good. It may be food. It may be alcohol. It may be the newest video game. It may be the newest exercise fad. And, happiness makes you feel excited, like it deserves your full attention. But, it’s experienced in the moment and not sustaining. True happiness comes from a state of lasting joy. has a great list of the differences between joy and happiness.

  • “Joy is a little word. Happiness is a bigger word.

  • Joy is in the heart. Happiness is on the face.

  • Joy is of the soul. Happiness is of the moment.

  • Joy transcends. Happiness reacts.

  • Joy embraces peace and contentment, waiting to be discovered.

  • Joy runs deep and overflows, while happiness hugs hello.

  • Joy is a practice and a behavior. It’s deliberate and intentional. Happiness comes and goes blithely along its way.

  • Joy is profound and Scriptural. "Don't worry, rejoice." Happiness is a balm. "Don't worry, be happy."

  • Joy is an inner feeling. Happiness is an outward expression.

  • Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose.

  • A person pursues happiness but chooses joy.”

“In its truest expression, joy transforms difficult times into blessings and turns heartache into gratitude.” —

Rebecca Crespo, of Minimalism Made Simple, states that happiness is circumstantial, temporary, inconsistent, self-driven and dependent on external factors. She goes on to say that joy brings peace, fulfillment, and appreciation of the present, as well as being purposeful, leads to long-lasting contentment and makes you feel complete. What a wonderful pursuit it is to be full of joy!

InCourage Health LLC


  • What's the Difference Between Joy and Happiness?

  • Crespo, Rebecca. Minimalism Made Simple. Joy vs. Happiness: 10 Key Differences. July 2021.

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