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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Learn From Each Other

Updated: Jan 26

I have to share that yesterday was the final day of the 5-Day Jumpstart that I hosted this month. From the responses participants gave, they each had some significant improvements, ranging from less joint pain, better sleep, fewer cravings, and shedding a few pounds. I'd say that's a lot of wins!

If you are wanting to lose weight, what do you think of?

Go on a diet?

Start an exercise plan?

Get a handle on stress?

Try to get better sleep?

Basically, you could answer any or all of those and be right, but we all know the first thought is to go on a diet.

Who remembers the Grapefruit Diet? I did it. I can't tell you if it worked or not, but it must not have or I'd still be doing it, right?

Now, it's intermittent fasting, ketogenic, Paleo, carnivore, to just name a few of the popular diets out there. The options are really endless. The reason these new diets are really catching on is not necessarily because they work, although they all have for some. No. I think it's because you get to EAT! From what I know, you get to eat as much as you need, but stay within the guidelines for each plan. How nice! When it's time to eat, you get to eat as much as you need. And, that's really the point.

"Dieting" has always been associated with limiting calories. How many of you have tried eating crazy, low amounts of like 1000 calories a day. I have. That didn't work for me either, as I recall. I probably lost the first day or so, and then after that, all I could think about was food! You can only drink so much water before it just doesn't satisfy anymore, then when your kids or spouse have a bag of chips out.... watch out! They are NOT safe! That's because I was limiting calories to the point of starving!

I am not saying that limiting food intake is bad. We have all struggled with eating more than we should. Maayybe to the point of eating not just one or two chips, but maybe half a bag without realizing it until it was too late.

Or, how about when you make an awesome dessert? You can't let it go to waste! I mean we recycle. We compost. We use our own grocery bags. We do not waste! So, limiting calories can be linked to saving the planet. Am I right here? I"m pretty sure that if you follow this train of thought, we are friends even if we don't know each other.

So, what if that glass of water or two isn't alleviating your hunger cravings? (Because that's a great strategy if you're looking to reduce calorie intake and unwanted snacking.) Then, you are probably actually hungry! And, that's exactly what we did in the Jumpstart. We ate until satisfaction when we were hungry. We limited certain foods and allowed unlimited amounts of others - well, to the point of satisfaction. We planned for meals and snacks. It's usually not about the amount of food we eat, but the types of foods we eat.

Here's a trick you can try... rather than mindlessly eating half a box of crackers, for example, put a handful in a bowl. Close up the bag. Yes, roll it up and close the box. Then, put it waaayy in the back of the pantry, on the top shelf, if needed. Now, include some hard-boiled eggs and slices of cheese, apple and peanut butter, or avocado and salsa with those few crackers you're allowing yourself to have. It's now a conscious choice you're making and not a mad scramble to shove as many into your mouth as quickly as you can chew them up. And, if you're lazy like me, it's too much effort to go back and get more. I think you'll find that not only did you reduce calories, but you made a healthier choice, feel more satisfied, and will feel full longer. Win-win -- win!

Did you know that I have basically stopped baking cookies and other treats for my family? They aren't too happy about it, but I was the only one who ate them after the first couple of days! If I didn't eat them, they would get old and stale and have to be tossed. It happened just this winter with simple rice krispie bars. Turns out my family is a bunch of food snobs and likes FRESH baked goods - and baking for them is not good on my waistline.

Something else I've learned is that if you freeze those Christmas treats you can't bring yourself to toss, carefully layering them in wax paper, that you'll find them 6 months to a year later in the back of the freezer. And, THEN you'll throw away those freezer burnt delicacies you couldn't live without. Why do I do it every year? I don't know!! It must be the whole throwing out food thing, especially foods I really like. What I do know is that it keeps me from eating them when I would otherwise. So, I keep doing it. I have some in my freezer right now!! LOL

We can learn from the mistakes that we've each lived through. It's nice that I've struggled through a lot over the years to share with you all! And, I know you have learned things that's worked for you, too. The Jumpstart group had a private forum where we could communicate what went well and what was hard. They each found it helpful. One asked about keeping a food journal. Here's what I know about that. When I keep track of what I'm eating, I typically make better choices. I don't want to write down things I'm not wanting to eat. It gives me a certain level of accountability to myself, which is who we really need to be accountable to!

Here's a bit more of my limited wisdom -- first, limit the junk (but enjoy some occasionally) and quit starving yourself! Restrictive calorie plans don't work - and can actually cause the opposite effect of putting your body into stress mode. What happens during stress mode, you may be wondering? Well, cortisol is produced, which restricts weight loss! It's counterproductive.

Second, try to make homemade meals with the best ingredients you can afford. With a little meal planning, you'll find that you can provide quick and delicious meals for you and your family, as well as have some leftovers for lunch the next day. Meal planning reduces food waste, too.

And, lastly (for today, anyway), try to add in veggies everyday, working up to 4 cups. It's winter so fresh veggies in MN are not always the freshest. Often times frozen veggies are going to be your best option, besides the fact they last longer if you don't use them as planned. I will also freeze fresh veggies that I may not use soon enough. If you can't tell, I'm a big fan of the freezer for preserving foods.

You may have missed out on the Jumpstart this time, but no worries. I'll be having more throughout the year! Stay tuned if you'd like to participate next time. I'd love for you to experience the same this group did! Personal coaching is also available, and if you have a group that you'd like to form, we can do that, too. You can find more information about coaching on my webpage - or email me with questions at

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