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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Mindset Matters

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

I am genuinely a curious person and wonder about things a lot, but that isn't exactly what a growth mindset is all about. I consider myself a positive person, too, but when it comes to doing things that are hard, I have a hard time seeing it through to the end. I'm great at giving others advice to keep trying. If one strategy doesn't work, try another. You aren't going to be Tiger Woods the first time you try. It takes practice. LOTS of practice. With myself, though, I don't always have that same attitude. When things get hard, rather than learning from mistakes, finding other ways or asking for help, it's easier to give up. Dreams only become a reality, though, when you're willing to keep failing, learn from your mistakes, and keep working.

This past month I've been working at the local elementary school. The kids are taught a lot more than just reading, writing and arithmetic these days. Teachers are educating on social and emotional control, following rules, being kind and respectful to others, as well as about grit - how to not give up. Kids are being taught about the power of YET. I don't know how to do this... YET. I'm not good at this... YET. I don't understand this... YET. I'm not as good as my friend.... YET. It's amazing how much I'm learning from this class of first graders and their amazing teacher. She's so positive and keeps telling them how they will get it. She believes that with their hard work and effort they can learn how to do whatever it is they're struggling with. She's teaching a growth mindset

A growth mindset is really where you don't let setbacks keep you from moving forward. I guess I would equate it with perseverance. There are two wonderful truths about your brain and your mindset. First, our brains are constantly changing and recent research tells us that the brain is much more malleable than was ever imagined. This is called brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity. The definition according to Simply Pyschology is "...the capacity of the brain to change and adapt in structure and function in response to learning and experience." This means our brains can heal after a head injury and after experiencing trauma. Our bodies are amazing!

Second, just because we may be one way now, doesn't mean that we will stay that way. A fixed mindset is where individuals believe that intelligence is set and skills won't improve. Thankfully, we have the ability to change from a fixed mindset, to a mixed mindset, to eventually a growth mindset. Our neurons can be rewired so that we think, respond, react and act differently. And, we may have a growth mindset in one area of our lives and a fixed mindset in another. The best news is that we are not stuck where we are but have the capability to change.

The chart below compares the two mindsets: fixed and growth.

Two Mindsets

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. - Graphic by Nigel Holmes

As I read over the characteristics of the growth mindset, I see many similarities of living as a Christian. Embrace challenges: Run the race and don't give up. Persist in the face of setbacks: Throw off everything that hinders. Stand steadfast in trials. See effort as the path to mastery: Get wisdom. Work hard toward excellence. Learn from criticism: Don't be easily offended (when others are critical). Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others: Don't be envious or self-serving but transform and renew your mind. Encourage and build up one another.

This gives me a lot of encouragement that I am still a work in progress, and although I may have given up on things in the past, I will not always do so in the future. And, neither will you! We all have the power to change our mindset.

Be sure to contact Dani at InCourage Health, LLC at if you are feeling like you're stuck in a fixed mindset when it comes to your weight loss journey. Together we'll work through obstacles and celebrate victories as you develop your growth mindset in this area.


Gamma, Eagle. Simply Psychology. Brain Plasticity (Neuroplasticity): How Experience Changes The Brain. August 17, 2023. Dr. Dweck’s research into growth mindset changed education forever. . Why Do Mindsets Matter?

Morin, Amanda. What is growth mindset?

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