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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Nature's Grandeur

Updated: Sep 24, 2023


As I mentioned last week, I was in CO on a girl's trip. This photo was our view from the deck of the house we rented. What's amazing is this was just one of many beautiful views we saw this past week!

There is something so calming and peaceful about nature. The beauty, serenity and grandeur of it all are good for the soul. And, research shows that in as little as 10 minutes of being out in nature reduces stress, anxiety and depression. It helps to improve creativity, too. Not only are humans built to be in a community where you feel loved and accepted, but we are also built to be out among natural surroundings whether a forest, field, beach or desert.

Thankfully, most people don't need to go far to enjoy nature. Researchers may not understand all of the details of why natural surroundings help keep our stress hormones in check, but they know it doesn't have to be something as extravagant as a trip to the Rocky Mountains. A nearby park, botanical garden or nature preserve is all you need.

If walking or hiking doesn't get you excited, you can find other activities to get outdoors. Canoeing or kayaking are fun, and SUP's are popular and a great workout. Maybe it's frisbee golf or playing fetch with your dog. It could be reading a book under a tree. The number of activities to choose from is almost endless.

I'm helping at a nearby school right now, and I love it that the kids get to play in the green spaces. I don't mean just the playground. Beyond the playground area is a big hill with big trees spotted here and there with the school forest just beyond. The kids get to play in the grassy area with the forest as their boundary. They play tag and other games and build forts. During the winter, they go sledding, too. What a wonderful way for them to let off steam, refresh their minds and bodies, and get a break from their school day.

I find that being out in nature is one the best ways to reduce my stress and get my smile back. Add in a few great friends and a lot of laughs, and you've got some of the best free therapy available - no doctor or prescription needed! At InCourage Health, we look to use all of the resources that God has provided to give us the healthy and vibrant life that we all desire. Get out, get unconnected, and enjoy the great outdoors!

Psalm 23: 2-3 NKJV

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

​​He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul;

​​He leads me in the paths of righteousness

​​For His name’s sake.

Source: Greaver Cordova, Melanie. Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine. Spending time in nature reduces stress and anxiety. February 25, 2020.

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