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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Resistance to Change

You. may not believe this but my family says that I'm stubborn. I know! It's hard for me to see it, too! Until I really start to analyze myself.

I have been fooling myself these past 9 months. I didn't think I really needed to change what I was doing in order to see changes. The Jumpstart in January should've been my first clue where I lost 2 or 4 lbs (I remember 4 lbs. But that seems like it's too much. so I feel I'm safer saying 2.) over 5 days.

I wouldn't say I was eating less, just different.

For some reason, I find it really difficult to follow my own advice!

I tell myself that I buy the chips and salsa for my husband. In actuality, I eat them a lot myself! It's one of our favorite snacks after work. Problem is, I don't measure out my portion of chips, and when you grab out of the bag, you ALWALYS eat more than you intend.

My advice to clients is to put those chips in a bowl and put the bag away. It's okay to treat yourself, but set a limit. Do I follow that advice myself? Nope. Not always. So, yesterday, I did.

When I was done I felt like I wanted more. Did I get more? Nope. I didn't want to go to the work of getting the bag out again. I instead I had a small handful of almonds, drank some water, and went on with whatever I needed to do next.

In addition to my food choices, during the Jumpstart I was making sure I was getting in more activity no matter what I was doing.

Before work I was making sure I was taking the dogs for a lap around the backyard - not the whole field, but at least doing the trail. At recess, I was walking the whole playground. I went up and across the hill to make sure I had contact with every group of kids. When I got home, this time I made the big lap around the field with the dogs.

I continued that practice for some time, but then for some reason felt it was a better idea to sit down and relax and watch some TV instead. When dad gets home, he's always doing something outside and the dogs will get their running in then.

Yesterday, the dogs were gone and I needed to get some things done for today, so I ran my errands and did all of my prep after work. It got late for a walk, so later in the evening while watching some TV, instead of sitting on the couch, I did some dance exercises. I haven't done "aerobics" type activity in quite a while, and I forgot how much I like it! I really enjoy walking and being outdoors, but I feel I get a more full body workout when I do aerobics - and I'm better at stretching afterwards.

All of this to say, that I thought I was doing better than I actually was. I was getting lazy and complacent. Unfortunately, my clothes and the scale are showing it, too.

It can be embarrassing for a health coach to not look and feel their best all of the time - and to struggle with losing weight, not to mention that they put it on to begin with!

Thankfully, I've been working on that grace thing, and I think it's good to know that health coaches are human. We don't do everything perfect. We aren't always a perfect size 2. (I've actually NEVER been a size 2! I think would look sickly at a size 2.) Add in being a female and going through menopause, and the struggles can multiply... quickly!!

As you can see, after some digging in, I am resistant to change and more stubborn than I like to realize. However, it's only when we change that real growth takes place. It's also the only constant in life - EVERYTHING around us is always changing, so to think we don't have to is just plain silly!

While I'm preparing for the Spring Into Summer Challenge that starts in June, I'm making some changes before it begins. First, I'm taking time to exercise everyday, even if I only have 10 or 15 minutes in my day to make it happen. Then, I'm going to be more careful about my portions, especially of my snacks, and my food choices. Thankfully, I've got a meal plan all figured out for the challenge, so that work is done for you.... at least for 5 days.

I hope that you will join my in the Spring Into Summer Challenge!! Here is the link for more information and to register. It's a 5-day event from June 2 - June 6th. I like to think of it as a time for you and I to get know each other better, too. And, feel better about ourselves and starting the summer out right!

Right now, I gotta get going and get in my activity before the day starts!

In love and courage,


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