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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

The Amazement of a Child

Today is the first day of Christmas break for me and my little first graders, and it has been a whirlwind of activity and excitement these last 2 weeks. Phew! I am ready for some quiet and relaxation!

As a whole I have to say the kids are really well behaved. They each have their moments where they get called out by their amazing teacher to follow directions or listen, but I have to tell you, there are only about 3 regular offenders - all boys! Now, I raised 2 rambunctious, precocious, high-energy, push the limits little boys, so these repeat offenders are near and dear to my heart. Do they get me frustrated from time to time? Yes. Do I worry about how they'll be as adults? A little. But, mainly I wonder what they will be like when they grow up. I know my two little boys have turned out to be amazing and hard-working men, and so I have faith these boys will grow up just fine!

Throughout December we had a class elf - Cookie. Every night he and the other class elves got into all kinds of mischief. I was amazed at how creative the teachers were - they did an elf ball bit, zip lines from the ceiling, defacing the staff photo board and more. It was all so cute! But, not nearly as cute as when one first grader came to me worried that he thought he "accidentally" touched one of the elves. Did you know they lose their magic when kids touch them? I have never done the elf thing, so I had no idea. This was serious business in his eyes. I was so proud of him for telling me and felt so bad at the same time because he was scared he had ruined this elf's career! Of course, you'll never guess who it was.... yep.... one of the regular offenders. It should be duly noted that the elves should not play on the table right next to his locker anymore. Thankfully, I was able to smooth things out with the elf and the big boss guy. Whew! That was close!

One of the things that I've enjoyed the most from these first graders is their amazement. I love to hear their stories about what happened the night before or last summer or whenever. I'm lucky that I get one on one time with several of them each day. They get so excited about the simplest and smallest things. We've got two little girls in the class that have such soft and quiet voices that they need the teacher's mic more often than not to hear them. But, when they get excited telling me stories, those voices are loud and clear!

These kids are a reminder to me to also be in awe and amazement of the world around us and to get excited about the small things. Have you seen the Northern Lights before? There is NOTHING like it! How about when you have a washer hanging from a string and when you look side to side, it starts moving side to side? Try it. It works! It also makes me think about the signs and wonders of the Old and New Testaments. The ten plagues of Moses before the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt - the magicians were even amazed. When the apostles were sent out and performed the same signs and wonders Jesus did - every soul was in awe. On Monday we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, crucified and raised to life 3 days later. Take time with family and friends to reflect on the life of Christ and be filled with awe and amazement like that of a child. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you all!

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