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Writer's picturedanibirkeland


In recent weeks there has been a recurring theme in my daily devotions - transformation. Now, I have found when themes keep coming up again and again that 1) God is trying to tell me something, and 2) don't ignore it.

Last night I started writing on a different topic, but this morning, while doing my devotions, I decided it would be prudent to instead follow what has been put in front of me more often than what can be coincidence.

So, transformation it is!

The Cambridge Dictionary defines transformation as: a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.  

Okay. I like that! Transformation is an improvement!

Transformation is often correlated to the life cycle of a butterfly - the physical change from a caterpillar that goes from leaf to leaf constantly eating and filling itself up, to becoming a beautiful butterfly that unwittingly flits from flower to flower spreading love and beauty wherever it goes.

It paints an appealing picture. We come to God in one form, and we are instantly made new. All of those bad habits are ta-daaa GONE! Wellll, maaaybe not instantly. I'm not saying God can't do that. I'm saying people - me included - don't allow God to do that.

Paul, who was originally known as Saul, knows a bit about transformation. He began as a Pharisee sending followers of Christ to prison or their death. As he was trying to play out a plan to destroy Jesus's disciples, he traveled to Damascus. Along the way he experienced a bright light, blindness and a life-changing encounter with Jesus himself. When his vision was restored 3 days later, his heart was forever transformed. He allowed God to change his heart and his mind was made up.

In Romans, chapter 12 verse, 2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

I think God knew what he was doing when he specifically stated, "Do not be conformed to this world." Even though I consider myself a positive person, I can let my thoughts get away from me pretty easily. Then, add in all of the ways society makes you feel inadequate, and it's an uphill battle every day.

We are a fickle society. Much like a butterfly, we flit from here to there with seemingly little direction. That is what really set Paul and the disciples apart. Because they renewed their minds and stayed focused on Jesus and his teachings, they had a direction and purpose that few experience.

I don't know about you, but I like thinking I'm in control of my destiny... or at least my daily outcomes. And, it's hard to give up that control. When things get hard, I start rethinking my purpose.  The world tells us to follow our heart and what we feel to be best. That's when I start thinking maybe this wasn't what I was supposed to do because if it was, it would be easy and just all fall right into place, right?!

Not so fast. I believe the verse says, "... good and acceptable and perfect." It doesn't say anything about easy. In fact, Paul talks often about perseverance - run the good race, fight the good fight kind of stuff. That means there is going to be struggle, hardship, second-guessing, and failure, which is going to require hard work, grit, and commitment in the face of adversity.

And, what do we need when things get hard? We need to reassure ourselves that we are on the right course and to keep pushing forward. Yes, there may be some backward movement, too. I know how defeating that can feel. We all do. That's when the renewing of your mind really comes into play. Romans 8:5 says it best, "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit."

We have to keep our focus on the right target. "...Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith...", Hebrews 1-2.

We could learn a lot from butterflies. As caterpillars, they eat to grow and nourish their bodies to prepare for adulthood. When they emerge from their chrysalis, they flit from flower to flower transferring pollen as the feed on nectar. Then, when it's time, they travel thousands of treacherous miles to winter in a warm place.

What we see as being blown aimlessly by the wind, is not that at all for the butterfly. They have an innate drive and purpose. Humans... not so much. We tend to be swayed off course by the slightest of breeze, thus leading us in a different direction.

Transformation is as much a heart thing as it is a head thing. Although your heart may be accepting and open to the love of Christ, the mind can be a little harder to convert. We have to give up our own will, being in control of our destiny, and follow the will of God. That's only possible when we let go and surrender our thoughts to the Holy Spirit, who will guide us in the purpose and direction God designed us for.

You may be asking yourself, as I am right now, too, what transformation have to do with health and health coaching? For both coach and client, it's staying focused on what you're trying to accomplish, and if your actions are moving you closer or farther from those goals. It may mean sacrificing things we want in the moment for the greater goal we want in the end. It's easy to try to do too much in a short amount of time expecting quick results. Or, to be involved in too many other things that we don't dedicate time like we should. Our hearts may be in it, but our minds are going ten different directions.

We also need to realize that for most of us, transformation is a process. It doesn't happen overnight. We need to keep trying to improve our mind, knowing that God wants what's best for us. And, if we keep focusing on Him, He will guide us to where we're meant to be.

I'd love to get to know you so we can both determine if we should work together. Apply here. I'm also getting closer to finalizing my Spring into Summer 5-day Challenge. More info to come soon!!

In Courage,


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