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Writer's picturedanibirkeland

Winter Weight Struggles

It was several months after school started, and I noticed that my clothes were not fitting as well. I don't usually weigh in that often, but I knew my weight was up. Sure enough. I needed to lose 6 lbs. Well, over the course of the school year, I've been struggling. That 6 lbs. is now 10! The usual things that would normally work haven't. I know things in a woman's body just don't react the same after menopause, but even the tried and true things that have worked post-menopause are not giving the results I'm looking for.

So, what to do?! I had to examine what was different.

First, I was not lifting weights like I had been. That statement may be causing some curious looks. Weight lifting to lose weight? Yes! Muscle mass uses a lot of fuel - a lot more fuel than fat mass! And, the great thing about muscle is that it even burns more calories while you sleep. Those little powerhouse mitochondria in your muscle tissue are a girl's best friend I tell you!

Second, I was getting out on short 10-15 minute walks 1-2 times a day taking the dogs out so they can run (that's Rocco in the photo above), however, I was not getting my brisk-paced long walks like I had been during the summer. I really enjoy taking the dogs on walks around our property, but I just don't walk as fast on our trails. I wasn't getting the moderate intensity workouts that I was used to.

I felt my meals and food choices were still on track, and my stress and sleep hadn't changed much, so I didn't need to adjust that at all. That was until I did the 5-day Jumpstart in January along with the other participants. I had a meal plan to follow, my groceries were bought, and foods were prepped. There was no gluten, dairy or refined sugars on the menu - and I was struggling with sugar! Well, I lost 2 lbs in 5 days and had not added in lifting or increased the intensity of my activity, both of which are still on my to-do list.

Hmm.... maybe there is something to be said about a whole foods diet plan. AND, meal planning. As I've known, and again realized with this Jumpstart, exercise is important but the foods we eat make the biggest difference!

I may preach meal planning because I have found that myself and clients do MUCH better with staying on a desired eating plan with it, but that doesn't mean that I'm good at it personally. I am not gifted in the area of meal planning, and other than anything taco or fajita, I like a lot of variety and trying new recipes. You would think variety and new recipes would require meal planning, but I still don't do it. When I'm forced to, though, it sure makes a big difference. So, now I've got another thing to add to my to-do list!

I would just like to state here that just because I'm a health coach doesn't mean that I don't have struggles of my own. And, doesn't that make you feel better? I'm learning right along with you much of the time - and what works for one person does not always work for the next.... except meal planning. LOL I think most health and nutrition scientists would say the same. I mean look at the history of eggs - first they're good for you.... then they're not.... only to be good again.

Actually, speaking of learning, I'm reading a book right now on fasting - intermittent fasting, as well as 24 hour, 36 hour, and 72 hour fasting. I've done other research on fasting before, trying to get a better understanding to determine if it's beneficial or harmful, and, if beneficial, what types are best. Turns out most people that are well-versed in fasting cycle through different fasts, as well as not fasting. I found that quite interesting. Often times when we feel something is working, we feel we have to follow that same plan all of the time. That isn't the case. For women, in particular, our bodies are changing significantly over every 28-30 days (I feel I still experience some cycle leftovers even in menopause - and other women tell me the same.).

Then, my sister-in-law informed me that her naturopath told her that your body changes every seven years. Foods, allergens, whatever, may start or stop to effect you like they had prior. If my memory serves me right, it has something to do with all of the cells in your body being replaced over a 7-year period. It's like your a whole new you! Don't quote me on that because it's been awhile ago since I researched that little known fact. Pretty interesting, though.

So, get your to-do list started and then get doing! Don't give up if you're feeling like nothing works. If you feel you need some help, that's what I'm here for. I won't judge... how can I? I struggle, too! I'm a resource for you to discover more about yourself, for accountability to stick to the goals you've set for yourself, and for encouragement - to be your cheerleader along the way. Check out my services, apply to work with me here, or email me at with any questions.

In courage, Dani

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